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Super Green Grawnola Cookies (vegan, raw, gluten & grain free)

Makes 8-10 cookies


  • 100 g of desiccated coconut or cashews

  • 120 g of tiger nut flour or buckwheat/coconut flour (if using coconut flour increase the amount liquid, add about 2-3 tbsp of desired plant milk)

  • 35 g of sesame seeds

  • 150 g of maple/date/coconut syrup

  • 1 tsp of vanilla extract

  • 1 tbsp of mixed greens powder or moringa/wheatgrass/barleygrass powder

  • 1 tbsp of matcha powder

  • 1 tbsp lucuma powder (optional)

  • pinch of salt

  • zest of one orange or lemon about

  • 100g of sprouted buckwheat

  • 50 g of golden berries (or a mix of raisins and golden berries, dried mulberries)

  1. Place the coconut/cashews in a foods processor and process until ground to a fine consistency.

  2. Add the rest of the dry ingredients except the buckwheat. Pulse again to combine.

  3. Transfer to a mixing bowl and add the sprouted buckwheat and maple syrup mixing with your hands until the dough sticks together. Add 2 or 3 tablespoons of almond or coconut milk if the mix is too dry.

  4. Scoop out a tablespoon of dough at a time and press into cookies with your hands or roll out the dough between two sheets of parchment paper and use a cookie cutter to shape the cookies.

  5. Dehydrate for 8-10 hours or until you like the consistency depending if you like your cookies crunchy or chewy. Or set in the freezer to have heart shaped granola energy bars. Enjoy with a cup of tea or a latte!

You could also bake at a low temperature for about 1 to 2 hours or simply place on a tray and freeze. They’ll be softer and chewier this way but still delicious!

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